They could go and see what wasn't theirs and should be someone else's. We had a point where two stewards were looking at the models, and one of them said, "I think that one that you've got over there is actually mine." The other one said, "I think you're right." So, we actually moved an entity from one subject area to another because now they had the ability to see what was in their subject area. For each steward, you could say, "Well, this is your domain over here." Once they had that, they could understand what you were talking about. So, it improved communication. With the tool, it was a lot easier because you could show a steward how this is his or her domain. In my previous company, when we had 1,000 tables, 6,000 columns, and 14 subject areas, trying to explain to people in the organization was difficult. Without the tool, it would have been impossible. So, having all of it on one platform to be able to tell one story makes it not as fragmented as components have been in the past. We want to bring different erwin components together and tell a business user story. So, it becomes easier, but you do have to set up that theme." Such things are a whole lot easier in Visio, but once you get a theme organized in erwin, you can apply that theme to all of the objects. I'm comparing it with something like Visio where you can change colors on a box, change the text color and that sort of stuff, and change the lines.

They have made it a lot easier, and they've done a lot, but there is probably still room for improvement in terms of the ease of presentation back to the business. So, that's probably a constraint with erwin. DM's eventual target is a database, which means you actually have to dot all the Is and cross all the Ts, but in a conceptual model, you don't often know what you're working with. "I still use Visio for conceptual modeling, and that's mainly because it is easier to change things, and you can relax some of the rules.So, being able to have the same underlying model but only display portions of it at a time is extremely useful." If you had 14 subject areas, 1,000 entities, and 6,000 columns, you can't quite understand it all at once. We are able to divide the information into subject areas, and we can divide the data landscape into smaller chunks, which makes it easier to understand. Another valuable feature is being able to rearrange the model so that we can display it to users. "Being able to point it to a database and then pull the metadata is a valuable feature."The price of erwin Data Modeler is very expensive, in particular for this part of the world."."There are no costs in addition to the standard licensing fees.".There are other products out there which do have end user browsers available and allow them to access data models via the data modeling tool."

This would not be to make any changes, but just to visually look at what exists. "An issue right now would be that erwin doesn't have a freely available browser (that I am aware of) for people who are not data modelers or data engineers that a consumer could use to look at the data models and play with it.Therefore, they should probably have a pricing for people like me who want to just use the solution as an independent consultant, trying to get started. I would like to keep my ability to use the tool. I would love to personally buy a copy of my own and have it at home, because the next job that I'm looking at is probably project management and I might not have access to the tool. I haven't talked to erwin people yet, but I'm going to suggest to them that they could perhaps think of having an entry-level product that is priced a bit lower, and then, you can buy the extra suite." I get the impression that there was a price jump when it was spun off from CA as a separate company, which is understandable, but it could sometimes be a barrier in some organizations picking it up. In the mid-2000s, it was something like 1,200 AUD a seat. About three years ago, in another organization, I have this memory of 6,000 AUD a seat or something like that, but I am not sure. "I don't specifically know what we're paying now.